Human Rights House Foundation in partnership with Human rights House Yerevan, EHRH-Chernihiv, HRH-Voronezh, HRH-Tbilisi, HRH-Minsk, HRH-Belgrade implements an educational program focused on human rights.
Beginning from October 12 to December 25, 2020, about 60 young human rights defenders from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, and Serbia take part in an intensive online human rights course conducted on the ILIA Online platform. More information about the International school will be published on the page – https://cutt.ly/0fCwaSN
The most motivated and active participants who successfully complete the online part of the school will be able to take part in the offline session next summer 2021 in Ukraine (in case of a favorable epidemiological situation for international travel) . Participants will need to attend webinars, take an active part in discussions, and pass the test after each stage in order to complete the course.
The project is implemented with the support of Human Rights House Foundation.