Today, on February 9, 2024, there was a publication in media that there had been an attempted arson of the car, belonging to Daniel Ioannisyan – Program Coordinator at “Union of Informed Citizens” NGO. In a private conversation with Human Rights House Yerevan, Daniel Ioannisyan has informed us that he ties this incident with one of the investigations, carried out by Fact Investigative Platform, i.e., How the Minister of Internal Affairs of Nagorno Karabakh appropriated 20 state-owned vehicles – FIP.AM investigative piece. This arson attempt is particularly dangerous considering the fact that the car has been parked in the domicile of Daniel Ioannisyan, which can pose further possible threats not only to Ioannisyan himself, but to his family members too.

HRH Yerevan strongly condemns this alleged criminal act deliberately committed against D. Ioannisyan, given the fact that it has most probably been committed because of Ioannisyan’ s important human rights work, and, in essence, is an attempt to silence him, as well as one of the most prominent investigative platforms in Armenia.

Considering the important role that investigative journalism plays in fight against corruption and organized crimes, as well as the mission that human rights work has in upholding rule of law and  strengthening democracy,

Considering the positive international obligations that the Government of the Republic of Armenia has undertaken towards protecting and assisting human rights defenders and activists, journalists and media,

Considering the international standards in regard to state’s responsibilities to provide support to human rights defenders and to other persons, involved in public participation, as well as to conduct prompt, impartial, and objective investigation, HRH Yerevan

  • Calls upon the Prosecutor’s Office and the Police of the Republic of Armenia to open public criminal investigation in regard to the arson attempt of the car, belonging to Daniel Ioannisyan, ensuring the impartial and comprehensive investigation of the case, with the aim to bring the perpetrator to justice, as well as to prevent incidents of the kind in future;
  • Calls upon the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, the Government of the Republic of Armenia, as well as other state agencies to condemn publicly alleged criminal act, committed against Daniel Ioannisyan, emphasizing the important role that human rights defenders and investigative journalism play in upholding the rule of law and strengthening democracy, as well as in fight against organized crime and corruption.

Human Rights House Yerevan

09 February 2024